Yuna's Tabs

Thursday, April 7, 2011

remember the saying... "lead by example?"

didn't mama always say... "lead by example!"
at least that's what my news director tells me

well, as our elected officials in Washington argue over the budget, with a deadline looming (midnight Friday)...
U.S. Senator, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, says he's giving up his salary during any federal government shutdown...

 Manchin is asking his fellow lawmakers on Capitol Hill to do the same...

Meanwhile, the President is expected to resume budget talks with Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Reid.

What do you think?  Is Sen Manchin trying to lead by example?


I will say... Sen. Manchin was the only candidate from West Virginia who took time to *FLY* in to our studio during our ASK THE CANDIDATE!

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