Yuna's Tabs

Thursday, December 22, 2011

From Virginia's #1 Morning Show to the Country's #1 rated CBS Affiliate

It's been four months since I last blogged?! How did this happen!

I'm back!!!!! alive & well, fellow bloggers/blog readers!

I'm finally settling down in the Miami Valley (Ohio) and getting myself situated at WHIO-TV News Center 7, which is truly an amazing news organization!

I've been mostly reporting, but also anchoring various shows as a fill-in anchor!

It's a big change from overnight producing and anchoring a two hour morning show every morning!

I also miss Virginia politics, especially reporting on the General Assembly!!!

That said, I've covered some interesting stories here in Dayton, Ohio including one of the most bizarre scenarios I've ever covered.  It was a local story about a man who entered a home, allegedly high on bath salts, lighting all the holiday Yankee Candles & hanging up a Christmas Wreath.  Then, he reportedly strung several dog leashes together tying it to a fridge and a swing outside the house.
The story made airwaves everywhere, including England and Canada.
I also found out from my future sister-in-law that she saw the back of my head on Michigan News.
It also apparently made CNN, CBS News, the Gawker.. and just about any news agency that also found this story "bizarre"

At any rate, it's a surprise every single day.

Just wanted to let you know, Im alive and will be back with photos of my latest adventures!!!!!

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