Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Loneliest Day of the Year

I attended Christmas Mass today with my Family.
There were many men & women who came alone....
But one man... made me cry.

He was a bit older and had very nice clothes.
He was dressed in his Sunday Best, which many of us do not do, as we should...
But his sadness could not mask his pressed pants & lint free designer wool coat...

The more I counted my blessings, surrounded by my loved ones,
the more sadness & pain I felt for this man, sitting alone.
He dared not look at anyone else.
Instead, I could see him hold back his tears from so much pain.

My priest's homily really hit home.
He talked about the sick, weary & lonely on Christmas Day.
It made me cry... not for myself, but for the man in his Sunday Best.

As the Catholics said "May Peace be with You" to each other, he stood alone, clearly uncomfortable.  I wanted to make eye contact with him to give him a nod and smile, hoping to make him feel a little better, to tell him I understood, but he was looking down.  If I bypassed other parishioners to wish him peace, I'm sure it would have made him more uncomfortable.

The entire mass, I sat, planning to wish him a Merry Christmas at the end of Mass, on our way out of the church.  But he left after communion.  

I've been thinking of this man, ever since morning mass.
I wonder if he just had a bad morning, if he was just under the weather.  Maybe it was nothing, maybe he missed midnight mass with his family and decided to go today.

Perhaps he is now celebrating with his family.  Perhaps he's still alone.  Im not sure why he looked so somber to me, but I hope he's receiving the gift of peace and faith right now.

I felt compelled to wish everyone a Merry Christmas today,
especially for those who are going through hard times.

I wish you a Merry Christmas that is filled with a little more peace.

I know Christmas can be a very difficult time.
You can't pass a street without the reminder that you "should" be with family, friends, spending lots of money on commercial products... but there's someone who is spending the day with you today... and it's His birthday. 

Sir, May Peace be with you.
I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to say it to you personally today.
You taught me an important lesson, sent from heaven above.

Merry Christmas to all.

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