Yuna's Tabs

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

MLK Dayton Celebration Banquet 2012

It was a beautiful MLK Celebration at the Dayton Convention Center last night!
Folks from all walks of life came together to celebrate and honor the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 16, 2012

It was my honor to play the role of Mistress of Ceremonies
 along with Master of Ceremonies, Jordan Burgess from WDTN Channel 2.

WHIO News Center 7 Reporter, Layron Livingston & Photojournalist, Trey Back, were there to report on it! =) Go WHIO! =)

Take a look at the beautiful "THE WORLD HOUSE" theme
About 500 guests attended the event!

How Convenient!  They placed me on the right of the podium, very close to the KOREAN Flag!!!!

Master & Mistress of Ceremonies with Event Chair, Rev. McCorry

Not only did people from different ethnic, religious & political backgrounds come together...

Yuna Lee WHIO , Jordan Burgess WDTN & Shannon Sims WKEF

Shannon has an INCREDIBLE voice and her performance was beautiful!

Take a look at the beautiful outfits, they are from South Africa!

Thank you to everyone who were able to make it out!
Thank you, MLK Dayton, for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Celebration!

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