Yuna's Tabs

Saturday, January 14, 2012

TEBOWING - why not?

In less than two hours, the country will turn on CBS (WHIO in our case!) to watch one of the most anticipated football games in American history, I kid you not!

and speaking of kids, let's discuss one of the most polarizing characters in recent history!

I've been following Tebow since I lived in Florida several years ago.
Im no football expert, but I think he's very talented!

I know there are many critics who say he's really not that good & they don't understand the hype surrounding im Tebow...
There are so many nasty things said about him!
and we all know, People can be very Harsh

Truth of the Matter is... whether you love him or hate him, you can't deny his power.
It's been a long time since we last saw a football player who created this much controversy & attention!

let's face it, many women find him attractive
but it's not just his physical appearance most women swoon over, it's his character.
His strong faith, his dedication, his passion... adds to the "attractiveness" of Tim Tebow.
He is the knight in shining armor, women rarely see these days!

Plus, the more people say awful things about him, the more likeable he becomes...
because you want to root for him, you want the best for him
and you want to prove.. that he actually has more talent than some believe.

As for me,
I like Tim Tebow because he's a class act and good role model.

In less than two hours,
I know the nation will be watching!

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