Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part VI - Staying at the Jefferson

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson
Staying at the Jefferson

Since our wedding was a destination for most of our family & friends, we blocked dozens of rooms at the Jefferson Hotel.
My Maid of Honor also stayed with me over the weekend,
where we were greeted by Virginia Wines, Sparkling Water, Strawberries dipped in Chocolate, etc!

Mike & I were also given lots of treats in our Bridal Suite =)

The day after the wedding... we, of course, had to have family champaign brunch!  We ate even more spoonbread!

Mike's groomsmen & his parents never had Jefferson Brunch
so they were in for a treat!

I think Mike's mother, Giga (that's what we call her) loved the deserts!

Poor Boomie & Annette had the stomach flu
but the rest of us enjoyed even more southern cookin'!

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