Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, February 26, 2012


until Michigan & Arizona!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

GOP PRESIDENTIAL RACE - Covering Mitt Romney's Visit




Republican Presidential Hopeful, Mitt Romney, made a stop in the Cincinnati area Monday.
He spoke to hundreds of employees at Meridian Bioscience in the Village of Newtown
He focused mostly on jobs, with U.S. Senator, Rob Portman, by his side.

It was quite a different experience than Santorum's visit Friday.

It was quite the Media Frenzy...
We had to set up before 11am and leave our equipment in the room for the Secret Service to go through,  So the Photographers (the lovely men photographed above) from WLWT Cincinnati, WHIO Dayton (our photographer Chuck pictured there), WKRC Cincinnati & WCPO Cincinnati and reporters hung out at Wendy's from 11am- 1145am while the Secret Service, Police & K9 searched our items.
(Sorry Fox 19! Im not sure where you are in this photo!)

But I wanted to take their beautiful photo, since they are usually the ones behind the lens!

Photographers & Reporters waited for at least 25 minutes until Mitt Romney showed up.
He gave a 15 minute speech to the employees at Meridian Science.

Aside from the local media, CNN, CBS, ABC, AP, etc... all came to cover the event

The event was over shortly before 3pm...
Plenty of time to get interviews, log, write, edit two packages for the News at 5!
Good Teamwork, Chuck!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

GOP PRESIDENTIAL RACE - Is Santorum the Man?


There are four remaining hopefuls left in the GOP Race 2012.

Rick Santorum made an appearance in the Miami Valley Friday.
My photographer Chuck & I headed to Warren County to cover the Warren County GOP annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner, where Santorum made his appearance.

His visit comes when he's leading in the latest poll taken in Ohio.
He has a 36% lead... Romney is 2nd with 29%

In addition, just hours before he spoke before dinner, Ohio's Attorney General, Mike DeWine announced he's backing Santorum.
This means, DeWine changed his endorsement from Romney to Santorum.. When I asked him why, he told me... He had been wrong and believe Santorum is a great leader and has the best chance at beating President Obama in November.

He comes ten days after Newt Gingrich's visit.
Monday, Mitt Romney is expected to visit the area...
as for Ron Paul, no word yet.

Perhaps I was most excited to get an exclusive interview with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, since he was one of my first exclusive political interviews in Virginia, where I started my television reporting career!

McDonnell was the keynote speaker at the event and flew in from Richmond to make his appearance.

I've followed him through his early career (since he was AG of Virginia) and he was one of my very first political interviews.

He's used to me interviewing him with a "WHSV 3" Mic...

but Friday, we used a "WHIO 7" Mic for the very first time.
McDonnell is a Potential VP Candidate.
He is endorsing Mitt Romney.

- Yuna Lee WHIO

BEHIND THE SCENES - just making frappacinos


I certainly have unique coworkers at WHIO News Center 7 and they have unique ways of doing things.

Today, my photographer Dee and I stopped by a McDonalds in Vandalia and she ordered Coffee & Ice Cream.

I thought she was going to DRINK the coffee and EAT the ice cream... but here's what she did instead!

She made her own Frappucino!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012



I rarely give my personal perspective on stories.
But the latest story out of Richmond, Indiana is just plain disturbing.

Mom & Dad have been charged with MURDER of their 4 month old son.
Accusations include starving their son, Khaiden Hockett, to death.
Court documents say Khaiden was 8.7 pounds when he was born, but autopsy results show he weighed only 6.2 pounds at death.  Documents state, Khaiden was found in a urine soaked baby swing, in a room with feces smeared on the walls.

I first covered this story out of Richmond.

We had a police report that stated "infant death investigation" and listed the parents as suspects.

Police first responded to reports of a baby, not breathing on Super Bowl Sunday.

The mother, listed as a suspect, was open to talking to me on camera.
21 year old Amy Hockett told me, she is innocent and she would do anything for her baby.
She told me, her son had medical conditions, including acid reflex.
Investigators say, she is not telling the truth.

Today, Hockett is charged with killing her son, as well as the father, 24 yr old Joseph Pierson.  Both are in Wayne County Jail.

The latest article written by our reporter, Mark Bruce, who normally covers Richmond...

Here is a clip of the interview I did with Hockett...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part X - After Party

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson
After Party @ The Tobacco Company!

Getting dressed for the after party at the Tobacco Company!
That's where Michael and I ate dinner together for the first time.
We both LOVE Tobacco Company and it's "richmondness"

What a Party w the Wedding Party & Guests!

Yep- All the Single Men!
They had the Most Fun !

HomeWorld 2012

HomeWorld 2012
Going on right now at the Dayton Airport Expo Center

Best Part?
Hanging out with our viewers!

Gabby, Mike & I also had time to chat and catch up!

Our WHIO TV Corner

Come out to HomeWorld!!!
You still have time!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING - Part IX

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson

This photo sums up our wedding.

it was the MOST AMAZING day ever!

Yuna Lee WHIO

Monday, February 6, 2012

Do the Right Thing...

Do the Right Thing...
It'll all fall in to place.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Favorite SuperBowl Commercial!!! WeeGo!

Here We Go!!!
My Favorite SuperBowl Commercial 2012

Bud Light

Yuna Lee WHIO

Best Super Bowl Commercials 2012

Super Bowl 2012


There have been several good ones, many creative, some hilarious

By far the cutest dog is WEEGO!!!!

Here Weego!!!!!!

Good Job, Budweiser

Yuna Lee WHIO

Yuna & Michael WEDDING - my Fav Photo

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson

My Favorite Wedding Photo

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES - cake torture yesterday, donuts today!


Thanks to our wonderful anchor/reporter Mark Bruce
the newsroom gets to fatten up a bit more with donuts from Richmond Square in Indiana!

This is fortunate to foodies like me, who LOVE trying new places, especially donuts!

But this is very sad news for our photographer, Jeff, who is once again in the Springfield Bureau

poor Jeff!

Yuna & Michael WEDDING - Part VIII - MiniMoon

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson
Mini-Moon at the Greenbrier Resort

We continued our Southern Wedding at the Greenbrier Resort!
Because of Honeymoon to Egypt was cancelled, we decided it would be best to stick around Richmond for a few extra days with family and friends, then take a spa minimoon at one of our favorite resorts!
Our full honeymoon will be this fall, along with our 2nd wedding in korea!

We didn't do much this time (we usually go hiking, ride horses, etc)
we dedicated all our time to the SPA & EATING!

I literally fell asleep in the relaxation room before my spa treatment
then fell asleep during the treatment
and after
so yes, I was relaxed!!!!

Greenbrier has one of the best relaxation rooms in the world, btw!

It was room service & dining at the new restaurants at the Greenbrier!

We love the new casino & did NOT lose money playing craps this time =)
The new Drapers Cafe has a new selection of GELATO

I also noticed lots of renovations to the Greenbrier since we were last there two years ago.
Like a pink & green room!
Love it!

Mike & I decided to attempt at "artistic" pictures

we also enjoyed tea time!

and the casino & lounge!

We even saw one of my bridesmaids and had dinner with her!
We had no idea her father lived right behind the resort!

My favorite hole in the wall restaurant in White Sulphur Springs- Mason Jar!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Let them Have Cake & Eat it, too!!!
unless you are our photographer, Jeff.

To celebrate 60 YEARS of a fantastic relationship with the University of Dayton Flyers,
we received this beautiful cake from UD!

Most of us LOVE cake!
especially our photographer, Jeff!
I hear he can smell cake miles away
unfortunately for Jeff,
he is in the Springfield bureau...

thanks to our I-Team's Jim Otte,
Jeff will get a beautiful photo of this cake so he can think about it all day!

Jeff! we'll save some for you???
(unless we eat it all!)

5:15pm response from Jeff...

"This is twice now. I need CAKE.  Springfield is not that far, I will even meet you half way.  We could call it the big cake hand off"


My co-workers. I love them! What can I say?!