Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, February 19, 2012

GOP PRESIDENTIAL RACE - Is Santorum the Man?


There are four remaining hopefuls left in the GOP Race 2012.

Rick Santorum made an appearance in the Miami Valley Friday.
My photographer Chuck & I headed to Warren County to cover the Warren County GOP annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner, where Santorum made his appearance.

His visit comes when he's leading in the latest poll taken in Ohio.
He has a 36% lead... Romney is 2nd with 29%

In addition, just hours before he spoke before dinner, Ohio's Attorney General, Mike DeWine announced he's backing Santorum.
This means, DeWine changed his endorsement from Romney to Santorum.. When I asked him why, he told me... He had been wrong and believe Santorum is a great leader and has the best chance at beating President Obama in November.

He comes ten days after Newt Gingrich's visit.
Monday, Mitt Romney is expected to visit the area...
as for Ron Paul, no word yet.

Perhaps I was most excited to get an exclusive interview with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, since he was one of my first exclusive political interviews in Virginia, where I started my television reporting career!

McDonnell was the keynote speaker at the event and flew in from Richmond to make his appearance.

I've followed him through his early career (since he was AG of Virginia) and he was one of my very first political interviews.

He's used to me interviewing him with a "WHSV 3" Mic...

but Friday, we used a "WHIO 7" Mic for the very first time.
McDonnell is a Potential VP Candidate.
He is endorsing Mitt Romney.

- Yuna Lee WHIO

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