Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Health Care Debate - "a big ****n Deal"

Its quite the big ****n deal, my friends...

My eyes will be glued to the US Supreme Court this week, as the high court begins 3 days of hearings challenging the Health Care Act (Obamacare- as opponents call it) the President signed into law two years ago.

I covered it quite extensively at my previous station, WHSV in Virginia and had numerous conversations with everyday Americans struggling to get health insurance and also with the Virginia Attorney General, now Gubernatorial candidate, Ken Cuccinelli. That's because Virginia filed its own separate lawsuit challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Virginia's lawsuit is not a part of this week's hearing. This week, The US Supreme Court hears the multi-state challenge led by Florida. I believe 26 states are a part of this massive lawsuit against the federal government.

Quite often, I will be obsessed with certain court cases (OJ Simpson trial was my first... Terri Schaivo & Casey Anthony among others)... So I'm sure I will be losing sleep and only "half there" at work. You will have to excuse me. :)

Also, depending on whether the law is upheld or not, in my opinion, will play quite a role in the elections this year... And in Virginia, should play some type of role in the GOP Gubernatorial race between AG Cucinnelli & Lt.Gov Bill Bolling.

photo- one of the many interviews with the AG regarding health care...

I shouldve taken a week off work to sit in these hearings!

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