Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Will you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor!

I have the most wonderful neighbors anyone could ask for! Take a look at me neighbor and his mini-me!!!!!! Its just too sweet!!!!! Pax is learning to golf today. LOL

Keith & Carole live right next door to us. I was on my way to fill up the airs on my tires (trying to be a big girl), when I saw my neighbor outside with his mini-me, Pax! He asked me where I was headed and when he told me, he said he would check my tires! His wife, Carole, came out and we chatted for a while. Our neighborhood is like a picture perfect fairy tale neighborhood. You just couldn't ask for a better community! :)

Thanks for the chat, Carole! Thanks for making sure my tires are in great shape, Keith! Pax, hope we see you in Augusta! :)

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