Yuna's Tabs

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part XIII - Guests (Radio)

Yuna Lee & Michael Doc Thompson
Our Amazing Guests!

Since Michael and I first met at WRVA & WRVQ
(where I anchored news on the weekends and he was moving in to his new office for his talk show position)
I wanted to start off with our guests- many who we both met through WRVA in one day or other.

Travis Dylan (pictured above with his wife, Kristen) was the first person to train me in the business.
He was one of the FIRST to believe in me...
He is now the Operations Manager for Clear Channel Norfolk.
Kristen introduced me to my Susie from Flirt, who styled my hair (and bridesmaids & family)!
Funny how things turn out!

WRVA News Director, Deanna Malone, gave me my FIRST JOB in News!
I still wonder if it was easier for her to just give me a job- so I would stop pestering her with my tapes EVERY WEEK. Deanna, look where I am today! I still not done!

Bob Somers (John Valentine) & Shotgun John (John Station) both showed me the ropes, especially Shotgun who showed me the "fade and go" button- which probably saved my job numerous times.  They both came with their beautiful wives! Tori Valentine & her boyfriend also came!

WRVA News Anchors & Reporters, Jay Hart, Gary Hess, Matt Demlein (& wife) all came to celebrate!
I have to say, I can't seem to find any photos of Andreas Doernen!!!
He was a member of the paparazzi apparently and was not included in any of my photos,
except the one with the entire group! Andy!
I just hope he had plenty of cake =)
(he took many of the amazing photos below!)

Gwen Thomas (& husband) and Amy Kusmin (& husband) were two of our first coworkers to find out about Michael and I dating- it was during my confirmation- when they saw at church!
the very same church we got married!!!!!
Gwen & Amy kept our "secret" and supported our relationship the ENTIRE way!

Michael Clifford (& wife) was one of the first people to know, as well =)
I always appreciated him giving my first chance on Jimmy Barrett's morning show!
Jimmy & Joe (&wife) truly dealt with a "green newbie" but were so supportive!!!

Randall Bloomquist (& wife) flew from Atlanta to join us!
If it weren't for Randall, Michael would never have gotten the job at WRVA!
We would've never met!!! Randall is a huge champion of my husband =)

I knew Alan Fisher from when I first started and eventually met his wife, Stacie.
Who knew we'd be hanging out at the range and shooting together!

Angie Devoe, Kim Hutcheson, Rhonda Reeser, Terri Kass, Denny O'Shea, Percell Brown, Lauren Dilisio, Melissa Noel & Laura Burch and their dates were also amazing! They are closer to my husband, but it's ALWAYS good to see them =)

Scott Lee (& wife) was one of our readers.
He is one of my husband's biggest fans and vice versa!
I also love, "Good Night Doc Thompson, wherever you are" and attempt at Korean =)

Sherry Rowland (& friend) drove from Cincinnati to join us!
Short lived at WLW, but friendships last forvever =)

Last but not last, I mentioned Jimmy.. but Jimmy Barrett & wife, Elisabeth, the "Scilian Princess" have become more than friends to us.  Thank you so much for everything along the way!
Bonefish, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Yuna! Love the blog! And the memories...
    Scott Lee
