Yuna's Tabs

Thursday, May 10, 2012



More than 100 birds are rescued from a local non-profit bird sanctuary.
Below is a photo taken from The Humane Society of the United States of one of the birds.
They say many of the birds appear sick and are missing feathers.

Ill have more on this on the News @ 5.


  1. I know you try to be fair in your reporting but you left out important information about Wings Over the Rainbow.I have known the owner for years and there is NO way she abused any of the birds. The birds are her entire life. She has sacrificed everything in her life for them and they always have come first for her.It was unfair of you to show the african grey on tv that had chewed his own feathers was presented like it was Wings over the Rainbow's fault.That is not true.That bird was rescued from an abusive owner and near death when they got it.It was not eating and birds don't last very long when they quit eating. Debbie nursed that bird and loved him and gained his trust so he began to eat again.He has begun to get his feathers back now so showing the bird and implying they neglected and abused him is NOT TRUE.I did notice you didnt show the "deployable" conditions. I have been there many,many times and all the birds have had fresh food and water. Parrots are very messy birds by their nature. They were designed by GOD to eat part of a piece of fruit and throw or drop the rest.They are the planters of the rain forest.There will be seed around a cage no matter where they are.I don't understand the partof the story about the "smell".Bird poop doesn't have a smell. The only thing I have ever smelled there is the seed and the cleaners used on the cages.Most of the parrots that Debbie had there were rescued from horrible situations of abuse and torture.she rescued a Cockatoo that had been burned by an owners boyfriend over and over. He burnt it with ciggaretes and poured boiling hot coffee on it.It had burnes over 70% of its body. It was a miricle she was able to keep it alive and show it the only love it ever got.The Humane Society is not going to spend the money or time to "rescue" these birds. The will kill them to "save" them.I know people have been asking about adopting these birds but most have been abandoned and now have behavior or health problems and unless you have alot of experience with parrots it will not be easy.I am very upset that the people who went on vacation and left their pet parrots there may not get them back!We have two parrots and I would be devestated if someone took my blue/gold"Buster" who I have had 16 years ...before he even had feathers.It would effect him as much as us because parrots bond with their mates and people.If they loose that person they become depressed and don't eat,pick their feathers and can choose to die.The Humane Society should help Wings Over the Rainbow not prosecute them. There aren't many people in this world who will dedicate their entire lives to helping our endangered parrots.Please follow up on this story and present all the facts so Debbie isn't falsely accused of abuse and neglect of animals which she would NEVER do!!!

  2. Pamla, I responsed to this same post on my Facebook page. I hope you saw my response. Thanks. :)
