Yuna's Tabs

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

United Nations Dinner for Secretary General in New York

United Nations Dinner
in Honor of Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon
Hosted by the Gracious Ambassador Young-Mok Kim

I had the pleasure of joining Ambassador Kim & Secretary General Moon in New York City for an evening of delicious food and beautiful music.

These are a few of the photos I took (still waiting for the professional ones) but i wanted to share a bit of my experience with you =)  It was an evening of learning about the recent efforts underway to save the lives of women & children all around the world.  The U.N. Secretary General talked about his initiatives including "Every Woman Every Child"

He shared personal stories to an intimate crowd.  It was a pleasure to be in attendance.

I also met a wonderful group of new friends who I will keep in touch with =)

A beautiful menu of Korean foods- from color appetizers to traditional Korean short ribs.
Dinner ended with beautiful classical performances by prodigies & musical geniuses!

In the photo with Secretary General, we are laughing about his broken fingers...
Yes, he broke two of his fingers playing diplomatic soccer.
He says they are healing well.

It was an honor =)
Thank you, Ambassador Kim, for including me!

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