Yuna's Tabs

Saturday, November 3, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES- Romney "Superstorm Sandy" Event in Kettering




The Day after Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast, devastating many towns and cities in numerous states,
The Romney Campaign changed their Rally's Tone...
Of course, we had team coverage at Trent Arena in Kettering...
In depth Team Coverage you will Only see on News Center 7 WHIO TV

WHIO TV Investigative & Political Reporter, Jim Otte... & Reporter Yuna Lee

Team Coverage with Cox Media Group's DDN...
Below- Cory, Lisa, Amelia & Chris with Dayton Daily News
I love to take snapshots of my coworkers you typically do not see on air!
They work just as hard- I like to give them some face time for our lovely viewers who are probably curious!
Cox Media, Better Together!

Our WHIO TV Photographer, Micah Riffle also got a special place in the Protected Romney Press Pool

One of our viewers & twitter followers- snapped this photo of me...
This is typically what I do 24/7 when Im NOT on the air-
I tweet using both my iPhones
(no iPad- because I was annoyed with it that day)

It's not often I get to see my former Virginian, Elyse Coulter of the ABC affiliate here!
We worked for Gray Television's ABC Affiliate in Virginia together =)
Always so nice seeing her!

see? we do all get along here! Elyse & Jackie with ABC...
me, obviously, with the CBS affiliate here in Dayton!

Part of our Extended Noon Show Coverage of Gov Romney's Visit to Kettering below...

My 5PM Package on the Romney Event's Crowd Reaction...

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