Yuna's Tabs

Monday, April 29, 2013

Strangest Mirror in a Bathroom Stall

Making a restroom stop at the McDonald's in Piqua... I discovered this... A huge mirror in the bathroom stall!!!

It was so random and unusual, don't you think?

So of course I had to take a picture and blog!

Fallen Hero- Goodbye, Chief Warrant Officer James Groves III

One of the hardest stories for me to personally cover are the ones about our fallen heroes.  Not only is it terrible to learn about our service men and women who are killed in the line of duty... but it's also very emotionally challenging to meet with family members (especially parents or spouses) of those who are killed.

I put a LOT of pressure on myself to give the story as much justice as I can and that just makes it even more difficult.

If I had the opportunity, I would spend hours on air with a memorial for each and every fallen hero who paid the ultimate sacrifice just so we could be free and live in our wonderful country.

This week, Chief Warrant Officer, James E. Groves III will be laid to rest, where he had wanted to be buried after a visit this past September.  He will be buried at the Arlington National Cemetery.

Army Soldier Helicopter Pilot James was killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
I have been in close contact with his parents, who are truly amazing people. James' father, James Groves II also served in the military. We thank you for your service, sir.

For those who want to help... this is from James' family-

An Account has been opened at 5/3 bank for James' sons. You may donate at any 5/3 branch. The account is under the name CW3 James E. Groves III.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Favorite Inchworm

I made an inchworm friend in Richmond, Virginia
here he is

Sweet Girlfriends Surprise!

I am not a fan of surprises!!!! but this is one sweet surprise!!!!!! I came home to the cutest package in white and pink polka dot & it was from my best friend, Melissa!!!!

The cutest card that made me cry & the most "me" items!!!!! Soft PJs from Victoria Secrets with purple & silver white stars!!!!!! She knows white is my favorite color and that I'm obsessed with stars!!!

But best of all- the words inside the card :). How Middle School best friends have gotten to be so close again after we lost in touch!!!

I LOVE her! and it totally made my day!!! I'm feeling the love! How lucky am I to have such an amazing & absolutely BEAUTIFUL bestie?! Below- one of our favorite days together in Georgetown!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Just another Day at Work

I wake up at 12:30am because I can't sleep! When working morning shifts, I get anxious I may miss work!!! So I rarely get sleep!

I drove through Taco Bell (I know, I know) for "breakfast" and headed to work before 2am!

The hours aren't ideal, but my job is!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

WHIO TV - Coverage You Can Count On


Yuna Lee, Reporting

WHIO TV News Center 7 has been a market leader for decades... and the #1 CBS affiliate in the Nation!

Our viewers trust us- especially when there's a big story! They rely on us to cover all angles & be the first on breaking & exclusive stories!

With our Cox Media Group Multi-Platform coverage, TV gets help from newspapers, radio & digital & vice versa

With so many resources, we are the ones to count on for accurate breaking & developing news! Plus, who else can send three live trucks to one courthouse to cover multiple stories in court today? :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Clouds are for Dreamers

I continue my clouds obsession... with this photo! A cold crummy day- turned around by this gorgeous view!

Above the Clouds

What is that saying?!

"Get your head out of the clouds?"

As a dreamer, I used to hear it all the time! Actually, I still do!

But this weekend, my head was literally up above the clouds as I flew to Richmond, Virginia...
I took this photo

Monday, April 22, 2013

Polyvore, Have you tried it?

POLYVORE Fans, Anyone?

I installed the Polyvore iPhone App a few months ago, but didnt have the time to learn how to use it
(until about 2am the other night)

Here's my first outfit I made from the Polyvore App!
It's FUN & creative! No wonder the App is a Social media hit!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Richmond's Boathouse

Most amazing company, delicious food, gorgeous view, perfect sunset & lots of drinks & desserts! Boathouse at Sunday Park in Richmond, Virginia!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

How much more can we take?

My thoughts and prayers are with the families in West, Texas tonight.

My broke down when the Mayor of West Texas stated, "There's a lot of people who won't be here tomorrow." That really did it, after an emotional week covering the Boston marathon Bombings.

Then to find first responders are among the killed in West... It's just TOO MUCH!!!!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mary Poppins Musical

A hectic week broken up by a musical at the Schuster Center with some of my favorite people!

Boston Marathon- Local Coverage




My job this week, in addition to covering daily news in the Dayton Area was to also keep contact with locals who participated in the Boston Marathon.

Since the bombings on Monday, I have been in touch with several Dayton area residents who were in Boston and witnessed the explosions in some way.

 here are their stories.

we talked to parents of a Xenia woman running in the marathon... just two hours after the bombings

Ryan Spear, a University of Dayton student, talks to us as soon as he lands at the Dayton International Airport about the explosions. We also talk to a new mother, Pamela Nisevich-Bede of Beavercreek, who could not wait to see her baby and husband.

Leslie Wedderburn and Mandy Falvey - sisters in Boston
Wedderburn finished her third marathon, before hearing the explosions.

Local reaction to Suspect Investigation Latest

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Terror Attack





I first saw live coverage of the explosions at the Boston Marathon around 3pm
I remember standing in front of one of our plasma screens as CBS broke in to regular programming.
I was watching the news with our photographer, Dee Morman.

I was numb and shocked... I can't imagine how people who had loved ones in the marathon felt...
But I had the chance to talk to parents of a woman, Leslie Wedderburn... who completed the marathon about 40 minutes before the explosions...

We also talked to Leslie about what she heard

Organic Mojito Soap?!

One of my favorite drinks is a good Mint Mojito!!!!!

I remember first tasting a Mojito with real sugar cane in Dallas, TX! I was in heaven!!!

From then on, it's been one of my favorite drinks!!!

I have Mojito gum, make Mojito cupcakes... AND... NOW...

I have Mint Mojito Organic Soap!!!!! Thanks to one of my favorite friends who saw in on her trip to Key West!!!! Erica, you're the best!!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

BEHIND THE SCENES- 445th Airlift Wing


United States Air Force Base
455th Airlift Wing
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Quick Behind the Scenes!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Maybe she's born with it?!

Some people just have natural star quality!

Meet Emma Rain Colley- my friend's beautiful & adorable daughter!

You can just tell she has star quality by these photos of her hamming it up for her mom's camera!!!!!

I see - next top model!


Solar Storm? Will you be able to see it Tonight from Ohio?


Will we be able to see a solar storm tonight from Ohio?

See you on News Center 7 Saturday again at 8am on WHIO TV!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mohawk Boy Springfield Kindergarten Folo

The "Kindergartner with a Mohawk" story that made news in Nigeria, Korea, England... etc...

The Most popular News Story on our website in April

Kindergartner, Ethan Clos, goes back to school after shaving his head.  He was banned from Kindergarten in Springfield after getting a "distruptive" Mohawk

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Restaurant Review- Linh's Bistro

Restaurant Review

Linh's Bistro in Riverside

I was craving Vietnamese food and I am always skeptical because I have a tough time finding restaurants that compare to my favorite Vietnamese Restaurant (Dalat in Richmond, VA)...

A former co-worker told me to try Linh's and my family went for the first time a few days ago!

The decor is a little bare and not the most intimidate or luxurious but the food is to die for!!!!!

I honestly LOVE all the dishes and was even surprised by how delicious the hot and sour soup was!!!

The vermicelli and beef steak was amazing, as well as the the 7 Moon Chicken Dish.

BUT nothing compares to the Beef Rice Noodles! Must get the thick noodles in Gravy- the Pan fried noodles have an incredible burnt chewy flavor! I know that sounds weird- must try to find out why I'm raving about it :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

My Latest Report Goes Viral

Yuna Lee WHIO TV Reporting

Kindergartner banned from class because of his new haircut 

This is my latest news report to go viral...
Our newspapers, Dayton Daily News & Springfield News Sun wrote the article based on my story

There are many things that led to this story...

but I didn't imagine it being picked up by Yahoo & Fox News & outlets all across the country and world.  Take a look at the controversy that has the world talking about a five year old's Mohawk

It was truly this photo- that I believe got so much attention... Ethan Clos pictured on left with Mohawk that got him banned from class. Assistant Coach (high school in same district- Clark Shawnee Local Schools) on the right shows off a Mohawk for school sports spirit.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

BEHIND THE SCENES- The Band Perry Cupcakes

K99.1 FM Breakfast Club always has so much fun in the mornings! They also get lots of goodies!

Just Friday, The Band Perry sent them delicious "Very Perry Chocolate Cherry" cupcakes from Gigi's!!!

I was fortunate to head back to the K99 Studios to visit Nancy Wilson & Frye Guy and taste a moist & delicious cupcake out of Dayton! Mmm!

Friday, April 5, 2013

BEHIND THE SCENES- Before the Show


Starting My Friday Morning with "Good Mornings from the Newsroom!"

April 5, 2013

in this video...
shot with VINE

Yuna Lee, Anchor
Gabrielle Enright, Anchor
Rich Wirdzek, Meteorolgist
Amber Hall, Master Control & Technical Director
Quincy Wallace, Executive Producer
Stacy Alletto, Producer
Carrieanne Helvey, Producer
Allison Wichie, Breaking News Team
Drew Simon, Breaking News Team

Sorry to half the staff I didnt get to film before the Show!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dreams Do Come True

I've realized many of my dreams have come true... no, not the dreams I had as a child- to become a CIA agent, marry in college and have 4 kids before I'm 24.

I get paid to do what I love. I graduated from UVA despite a few bumps along the way. I became a morning news anchor and producer, working with the most incredible people I know- who are all so successful. We all helped transform a good morning show into a fresh new "best morning show in VA" that is still top notch compared to most I've seen. My accomplishments so far are in thanks to people who supported me and saw my potential from the beginning. I have to give credit to all those people who helped me launch my career, when all I had was determination & a "Minnie mouse voice."

I am now in Ohio, fortunate to be working for the #1 CBS affiliate in the country learning the ropes of reporting so I can make myself more valuable as a news personality.

I've accomplished most of my childhood goals - the life, the job, the big house... with the exception of four kids and an ice skating rink in the middle of my bedroom (5th grade architecture blueprint).... but I needed to make new goals- ones I'm holding close to my heart :)

After all, what's life without living, without dreams & challenges to constantly improve yourself :)

Oh, my bucket list (separate from dreams & goals) is always growing and most things on the list involve food & travel!

Below... The quote I live by...