Yuna's Tabs

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fallen Hero- Goodbye, Chief Warrant Officer James Groves III

One of the hardest stories for me to personally cover are the ones about our fallen heroes.  Not only is it terrible to learn about our service men and women who are killed in the line of duty... but it's also very emotionally challenging to meet with family members (especially parents or spouses) of those who are killed.

I put a LOT of pressure on myself to give the story as much justice as I can and that just makes it even more difficult.

If I had the opportunity, I would spend hours on air with a memorial for each and every fallen hero who paid the ultimate sacrifice just so we could be free and live in our wonderful country.

This week, Chief Warrant Officer, James E. Groves III will be laid to rest, where he had wanted to be buried after a visit this past September.  He will be buried at the Arlington National Cemetery.

Army Soldier Helicopter Pilot James was killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
I have been in close contact with his parents, who are truly amazing people. James' father, James Groves II also served in the military. We thank you for your service, sir.

For those who want to help... this is from James' family-

An Account has been opened at 5/3 bank for James' sons. You may donate at any 5/3 branch. The account is under the name CW3 James E. Groves III.

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