Yuna's Tabs

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Do you have an Epi-Pen?"


Im really not afraid of much... okay, when I'm working.. I'm afraid of NOTHING

There are times and places my photographers and I are forced to go to for work... but I never say no and frankly, I'd go just about anywhere and do just about anything (even with tigers, alligators.. and bees)

Last week, I had the pleasure of hanging out with BEES

Yes, I get minor allergic reactions when stung (twice now)... but I'd sacrifice the swelling uncomfortable somewhat painful feeling for a live shot... which is what happened here...

My photographer though, has worse allergies.. and the beekeeper asked him, "Do you have an epi-pen?"
The answer was ... "no"... but we do have incredible zoom capabilities!

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