Yuna's Tabs

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


#WhatILearnedToday- people think I'm insane, but that just means I have really incredible ideas & dreams... of course in the mix, terrible #fails too :)

#WhatILearnedToday- I've been constantly pressured to change to become "cookie cutter" and have gotten in trouble for being me... I tried "cookie cutter" out... I even let them get to me. but that's not who I am... it doesn't make me happy

I will not succeed by becoming "cookie cutter"... I will succeed by being me, authentic & flawed... I've been blessed to meet certain people who gave me a chance (DM, TD, TJ & ER) and have recently surrounded myself with more people who believe in me, the way I am... & I am very happy in the direction I'm headed :)

And oh! What's the point of dreams, genius & terrible ideas if you're too afraid to take risks?

Let me Freak Flag Fly?! In a few months, yes :)

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