Yuna's Tabs

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SAVANNAH- Historic Downtown

Historic Downtown
Savannah, Georgia

What a beautiful fall day it was in Savannah!

We spent our time in Savannah touring the historic district and admiring all the beautiful trolleys for tours and ghost tours! They do have public trolleys that are free if you'd rather take that! We chose to walk everywhere because it was such a beautiful Fall October Day!

Cubby loved all the fountains that center the squares!

The beautiful trees and oak lined roads are absolutely stunning, as well as the old churches!


We loved all the squares and neighborhoods, particularly the famous Jones Street!

 Mike found a home he wanted to buy about a block away. The pineapples were adorable! 

City Market
Savannah, Georgia


Want AMAZING Pizza? Limitless Candy? People Watching?
City Market Savannah has you covered

From boutiques to local galleries, Savannah's City Market is for kids of all ages


There are bars and delicious places to eat!
Try Vinnie Van Go Go's!
You'll be paying in wait time for sure, but the pizza is worth it!

Afterwards, why not try a sample of delicious candy?
If samples are not good enough for you, you can buy cases and cases of delicious candies from chocolate covered apples to chocolate covered pretzels!
and if your sweet tooth takes you in to a more hard candy form- try this wall of candy!


What a fun night, even with the kiddos!
Savannah's City Market is kid friendly, even after dinner hours!
There are groups of people from all walks of life- from families, tourists, couples and even those who want to enjoy the nightlife!

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