Yuna's Tabs

Friday, April 22, 2011

daycay at SNP~ it's free this wknd!

watta is one of the dogs
who has a mini closet that includes doggy couture (yes, juicy)
people often mistake him for a girl
(perhaps its the pink leash)

but... one trip to the Shenandoah Natl Park
changed his life
he became a REAL manly dog

SNP is one of my favorite parts of living in the Valley
it's full of beautiful hiking trails
and dozens of gorgeous creeks and waterfalls!

watta was scared at first on the hike
we even ran into a black bear
people ask me, was it a cub or mother bear?
i tell them, no... he was a teenage bear

watta was very afraid at first
making sure i was right behind him

but after his first hike
he became a brave hiking dog
not afraid of bears
not afraid of rabbits

i credit SNP for making my dog so brave

and i highly recommend
taking a daycay this weekend to your national parks
after all, we do pay for them
and it is "FREE" this weekend for all!

trust me
you may feel lazy heading up there
but once you get to the top
take a deep breath
enjoy the beauties
and watch out for that teenage bear!

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