Yuna's Tabs

Monday, April 25, 2011

why do i stress about paper?

all i did... was PAPER today

i am the american psycho
as in the character played by christian bale
but only when it comes to paper

i spent the last 12 hours

ecru? soft white? ecruwhite?
textured? embossed?

calligraphy? engraved? thermography? letterpress? digital printing?
which im sure no one could tell the difference
at least i wouldn't be able to tell the difference

but what about the weight?
medium? heavy? ultra?
oh, definitely ultra heavy
has to be 110lbs.

do i care?
is it worth spending 12 hours deciding?

apparently it is

i had an easier time buying my first house
my second house
finding and accepting my television job

and now...
im left to contemplate...

do i want double envelopes?

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