Yuna's Tabs

Thursday, May 5, 2011

they accused of me of murder, but fed me well!

not i

delegate dickie bell (R-Staunton) and i were accused of murder
but it was all for good fun

delegate bell and i were among the several suspects
for the murder of a bentley commons employee, scott clark,
killed with a knitting needle
(del. bell and i were found innocent)
just to clear our names there lol

obviously a murder mystery dinner at bentley commons

and boy, did they feed us well!
so it was worth the accusations, i suppose =)

delicious salmon, flourless chocolate cake, salad
thanks to chef chris faris

it was very nice to meet our daybreak friends at bentley commons
apparently, they eat delicious breakfast
and watch us every morning!

esp phyllis =)

thanks bentley commons for having us!

(now i must save my money to live here when i retire)

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