Yuna's Tabs

Thursday, April 28, 2011

BEHIND THE SCENES- to my viewers & co-workers

severe storm team coverage

im really demanding

it's because of my co-workers and our viewers

i'm demanding because i can be...
i can present the most difficult challenges to my co-workers
and somehow... it just becomes a fun group challenge that ends up building team work and friendship

you see
i don't only anchor the morning show,
 i also write/produce a 2 hour show
i was presented a "challenge" overnight
it proved to me...
what i already knew...
i have the best co-workers 

in difficult, stressful times...
 my co-workers get it done
with pride, joy, and eagerness...
to keep our viewers safe and informed

after 1.5 hrs of sleep (busy day of mtgs & an appearance)
I come into work around 10:30pm... 
i find my news director, ed reams,
eager and excited to keep our viewers safe
he hasn't slept yet.
he doesnt plan to
coffee and energy chrystal light.. in our future
we have "twitter" wars to see who can get the info first to viewers
we maintain this war overnight.. he helps me stay awake

assignment editor, terrance kelly, babysits the police scanner
thank goodness (this is usually my job)
he's on the phone left and right
he's getting information on deadly fires, accidents, etc
but he does this with a passion to help
desire to work hard to keep our viewers safe

our First Alert Storm Team meteorologists are yelling out warnings
the production staff gets them on air immediately
11pm anchor, val thompson, is such a trooper
he pretty much worked a 15 hr shift
no complaints, just smiles and determination

our morning reporter, amanda crawford,  comes in 2.5 hrs early
bearing a box of homemade muffins and a contagious smile
she sits down... i do not need to ask...
she's my assistant
somehow she reads my mind
and gets things done

the asst news director, kay norred,
 comes in wearing an ABC hat, WHSV tshirt
she's ready to rock and roll
she brings out a bunch of snacks on the table
and she's helping me left and right
making phone calls, etc
she's a cheerleader despite only 3 hrs of sleep

during my twitter wars with my news director
we find other co-workers eager to help
reporter todd corrillo is off
but he's on the phone, he's outside getting photos, footage, information
because of his desire to help keep the Valley safe

two of our whsv photojournalists are called in
they immediately come in to work
smiles, laughs, good spirits

i get a call from daybreak meteorologist mallory
she can't sleep because of all the weather alerts
its in her nature to get the information to viewers asap
she comes in super early to help josh, who had been in overnight
(josh worked more than 14 hrs too)

they tag team with our anchors
and we air five hours of wall-to-wall severe weather coverage

new this morning anchor, ed, is on the desk
he's on his cell, he's making his calls
he gets information most journalists can't

my twitter, email, facebook and phone are flooded with messages
sources give us the inside scoop
viewers and friends give us their news stories
whsv viewers are in their basements, with their tv audio on
they follow along, stay informed, stay safe

all night and into the morning
they are sending us encouraging and informative messages
it's really overwhelming
but it the best way possible
the feeling you get...
when you ask yourself, 
"how did i get so blessed?"

the morning production staff comes in
without skipping a heartbeat
they're making miracles happen
they never tell me... something can't be done
it's always done
my director goes with the flow
with the "challenges" his producer (me) presents to him
he allows me to be demanding
let's just say...
my production staff has spoiled me rotten

i'm demanding because our WHSV viewers expect the best
 it's because our Valley viewers... practice the Golden Rule
they keep their neighbors safe
with the information we provide them

they hold us to the highest standards
and why shouldn't they?
they depend on us
to get late breaking news

and they are loyal
when josh asks, "take cover"
they take cover
when mallory asks, "stay away from windows"
they stay away from windows

but our Valley viewers do not stop there
they tweet, they facebook, they call, they email
not just us... but their fellow neighbors
they keep their neighbors safe
as we aim to do here at WHSV

i know i'm demanding
i only expect the best from the people i work with
but it's only because they can provide the best
and have yet to prove...
that i'm "too" demanding 

I want to thank all of my hard working co-workers
you all truly impressed me today
not only did you work hard
you worked hard with no sleep
but the best attitude

the morning news coverage
was a lot about keeping our viewers safe
from the deadly storms that ripped through Virginia

I want to thank our viewers
not only for watching
but for your trust, your information, your support
you give us the "wind" beneath our wings

so until you expect less of us
i suppose...
we will just keep on... keepin' on

Thanks YAW =)

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