Yuna's Tabs

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Loneliest Day of the Year

I attended Christmas Mass today with my Family.
There were many men & women who came alone....
But one man... made me cry.

He was a bit older and had very nice clothes.
He was dressed in his Sunday Best, which many of us do not do, as we should...
But his sadness could not mask his pressed pants & lint free designer wool coat...

The more I counted my blessings, surrounded by my loved ones,
the more sadness & pain I felt for this man, sitting alone.
He dared not look at anyone else.
Instead, I could see him hold back his tears from so much pain.

My priest's homily really hit home.
He talked about the sick, weary & lonely on Christmas Day.
It made me cry... not for myself, but for the man in his Sunday Best.

As the Catholics said "May Peace be with You" to each other, he stood alone, clearly uncomfortable.  I wanted to make eye contact with him to give him a nod and smile, hoping to make him feel a little better, to tell him I understood, but he was looking down.  If I bypassed other parishioners to wish him peace, I'm sure it would have made him more uncomfortable.

The entire mass, I sat, planning to wish him a Merry Christmas at the end of Mass, on our way out of the church.  But he left after communion.  

I've been thinking of this man, ever since morning mass.
I wonder if he just had a bad morning, if he was just under the weather.  Maybe it was nothing, maybe he missed midnight mass with his family and decided to go today.

Perhaps he is now celebrating with his family.  Perhaps he's still alone.  Im not sure why he looked so somber to me, but I hope he's receiving the gift of peace and faith right now.

I felt compelled to wish everyone a Merry Christmas today,
especially for those who are going through hard times.

I wish you a Merry Christmas that is filled with a little more peace.

I know Christmas can be a very difficult time.
You can't pass a street without the reminder that you "should" be with family, friends, spending lots of money on commercial products... but there's someone who is spending the day with you today... and it's His birthday. 

Sir, May Peace be with you.
I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to say it to you personally today.
You taught me an important lesson, sent from heaven above.

Merry Christmas to all.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My First Eggnog Ever!

Merry Christmas Eve, Friends!!!!!

This year, I decided to let Christmas slide a little bit, as Im bogged down with wedding planning!  I've been traveling every single weekend & on some weekdays!

Mike & I did take some time off though, to celebrate!
Looks closely at the ornament
yes, we like silly pictures.


Friday, December 23, 2011

losing everything... counting blessings...

It's tough to cover stories sometimes... especially tragic ones during the holidays.

Two days before Christmas, a local family loses everything inside their home, including their family cat.  It's one of the saddest stories I've covered involving a house fire.  The mom, who is disabled, takes care of her in-laws, her mother who is ill in the hospital and everyone else.  She says her home was almost paid off (only 9 months to go).

Neighbors tell me, the family has been through a lot, but works very hard.  The son is a college student and the father drives a truck to make money. 

Today, they lost their home, their cat & their Christmas presents. 

But, not their spirit. 

The homeowner tells me, she's counting her blessings and is relieved her two dogs are alive because they were at the vet.  She says her son would have been sleeping during the day with their cat, but he was volunteering as "Santa Claus" with his dad. 

I can't promise her good things are on the way, but I sure do hope they are...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dayton, a Formal Introduction

this is my little scruffy baby.
his name is WAT

Spoonbread, only a southern thang, ya'll?

This blog is especially for my new friends in the Dayton area.

Have you heard of SPOONBREAD?

It's one of my favorite things!

It's a southern dish... 
I like to describe to newbies as a dish 
"half corn bread, half rice pudding"

My favorite president, Thomas Jefferson, loves it, too...
(just in case you did not trust my taste in food)

by the way, I have yet to go to Shulers!!!!
Can you believe that?

From Virginia's #1 Morning Show to the Country's #1 rated CBS Affiliate

It's been four months since I last blogged?! How did this happen!

I'm back!!!!! alive & well, fellow bloggers/blog readers!

I'm finally settling down in the Miami Valley (Ohio) and getting myself situated at WHIO-TV News Center 7, which is truly an amazing news organization!

I've been mostly reporting, but also anchoring various shows as a fill-in anchor!

It's a big change from overnight producing and anchoring a two hour morning show every morning!

I also miss Virginia politics, especially reporting on the General Assembly!!!

That said, I've covered some interesting stories here in Dayton, Ohio including one of the most bizarre scenarios I've ever covered.  It was a local story about a man who entered a home, allegedly high on bath salts, lighting all the holiday Yankee Candles & hanging up a Christmas Wreath.  Then, he reportedly strung several dog leashes together tying it to a fridge and a swing outside the house.
The story made airwaves everywhere, including England and Canada.
I also found out from my future sister-in-law that she saw the back of my head on Michigan News.
It also apparently made CNN, CBS News, the Gawker.. and just about any news agency that also found this story "bizarre"

At any rate, it's a surprise every single day.

Just wanted to let you know, Im alive and will be back with photos of my latest adventures!!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Goodbye WHSV... My Last Day as Daybreak Anchor/Producer

A surprise Goodbye.
Thank you to my Daybreak Family for this farewell...
esp Ed Drantch who put this goodbye together
I miss you all

Thursday, July 28, 2011

unforgettable WHSV moments

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do."

- Thomas Jefferson

TJ would be dissappointed in me AGAIN...
because I am going to talk about my past...
my past three years
and a few of my fondest memories at WHSV

Memorial Local Stories I've covered at WHSV

Daybreak's Severe Storm Team Coverage
Virginia's Historic Winter Blizzard
 Flooding Spring 2010
Fallen Local Firefighter, Roy Smith
Jogger Killed in DUI Hit and Run
Search for Missing Morgan Harrington 
Virginia General Assembly
Virginia's Immigration Law
Closing Rest Areas (& reopening them)
Banning Synthetic Drugs including Spice/K2/Bath Salts
Ask the Candidates Interviews
Ask the Delegates/Senators Interviews
Ask the Governor/Lt Governor/Attorney General Interviews
Exclusive Interviews w/Candidates & Elected Officials
Presidential Election 2008
Daybreak Local Heroes Segment
Homeschooling & Unschooling Series

Memorial Appearances

Rockingham County Fair Lawnmower Race
Shenandoah Speedway Bike Race
Judging Beauty Pageants (including Ms. Wheelchair VA)
Hosting WVPT Kids' Book Festivals
Hosting March of Dimes 'March for Babies'
Celebrity Chef at the Celebrity Chef's Auction
High School Commencement Speech
Mitch the Tiger visits WHSV
Winning First Place @ BBQ Contest
Toy Convoy
Stuff the Bus
Stuff the Truck for the BR Food Bank
Circus Ringmaster 
Harlem Globetrotters Half-time Game
Valley's Pet Idol (played the role of Paula)
Annual Christmas Parades
Winning "Best Morning Show" in Virginia

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Last Week at WHSV

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." 
- Thomas Jefferson

TJ would be so disappointed in me


Daybreak Friends...

the time has come...
 too soon, too fast, too sudden
i am not prepared to say farewell
but it's time...

this is my last week at WHSV TV3 Daybreak


I have been stalling this announcement... because this is truly the most difficult thing I've had to do since I moved & fell in love with the Valley 3 years ago.

It was exactly three years ago when i was researching WHSV and the Valley, right before my interview at WHSV... I learned that Harrisonburg was dubbed the "Friendly City" and until this day, I have never doubted that.  The people.. make the Valley beautiful.

I will miss everything the Valley has to offer...
Especially YOU... 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spend my mornings with you.  You have welcomed me into your homes and you have been a great part of my life.
I am grateful for your support and continued viewership, making WHSV TV3 Daybreak the top-rated, award-winning morning show.  

You have made Daybreak the morning show it is today.  It is one of the most interactive morning shows I've ever seen... It's all because of our Valley viewers.  You are quick to inform us, contact us and be a part of Daybreak.  I will miss chatting with you every morning... from weather.. to politics.. to breaking news... and least but not least, FOOD!

I appreciate every chat, email, phone call and facebook messages.  I hope I continue to hear from you- even if I'm a few miles further down the road.

I am moving to the Miami Valley in Ohio.
I will be working for the CBS affiliate in Dayton.
This move brings me closer to my ultimate career goals... and also my fiance.  We are getting married late Winter

I still have my house and family in Richmond so I will be visiting often.  
I will be in the Valley frequently... 
Plus, my wedding dress is from right here in the Shenandoah Valley =)
When you see me out and about...
Please come say Hello.

Also, please keep in touch with me on Facebook
Yuna Lee's Facebook 

I will make my formal announcement on the airwaves on Daybreak this Thursday.

I would also like to thank the entire staff at WHSV
I've never worked with such a large group of amazing GOOD people, who work hard and understand what team work is all about.

It starts at the top with the most amazing General Manager, Tracey Jones.  She is a true inspiration.  I have much admiration for her.

I am so grateful for the potential my News Director, Ed Reams, saw in me.  He took a chance and provided all the opportunities for me to grow and to become the news anchor/reporter/producer I am today.  

Tracey and Ed trusted me and gave me the resources to make WHSV TV3 Daybreak a recognized show throughout the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank Tracey and Ed for the opportunity to work at WHSV, but most importantly... for encouraging and supporting me throughout the years. 

To the WHSV Staff, including Promotions, Production, Creative Services and Sales, News, Administration & Engineering.  Thank you for your part in making WHSV a wonderful place to work.  I cherish the friendships I've made here at WHSV... I promise to keep in touch!

To my WHSV TV3 Daybreak Family, I could not have made it without you.  It's been three years as a family.  The news on air is nothing even close to what we really go through every day.

We are family.  You will truly be missed.
I trust that you will continue to keep me a part of Daybreak, especially in your hearts =) and I have no doubt that Daybreak will only CONTINUE to grow as the Best Morning Show in Virginia!

We have surely been through a LOT...
from creating our own Backyard Farm with Chickens at the WHSV Studios (LONG story).. to bringing in tigers and cows inside the studio... to interviewing the elected officials who represent the Valley (local, state and federal) to hold them accountable... to interviewing residents in the Valley who tell us their stories... to supporting our local businesses (wineries on the top of the list?)... to racing each other in lawnmowers in front of THOUSANDS of people... to having a cake made... that looks just like us! to "reaping" the benefits and getting lost in the teleprompter... to transitioning into HD... to ALWAYS being the FIRST reporters live  during breaking news... to our "secret" sources who feed us breaking news overnight... to our lovely roadtrips to cover stories most important to our viewers... 

we've investigated, we've researched, we've reported...
we've been to shootings... explosions... deadly accidents... deadly fires... plant explosions... massive layoffs... to the Capital...
but we've also been... bitten by tigers... kissed by cows...  loved by ZhuZhu...  tripped by wires... hit by snowballs... hiccuped by shocker burgers... kicked out of airports (ok, escorted out numerous times)... 
we were always more than coworkers on a morning show
we were and are... family

my Daybreak Family
in no particular order
Boots, Ed Drantch, Chris Maragni, Mallory Brooke, Orva Crawford, Amanda Crawford, Dave Mekler, Andy Myers, Tom Dempsey, Josh Knight, Karen Molloy, Austin Crable, Lorilee Victorino, Sarah Sager, Keith Jones, Herb Lee, Billy Morgan, Sarah Robarge

Goodbye for Now

Monday, June 27, 2011

BEST MORNING SHOW in VIRGINIAI! yep, that's Daybreak!!!

it's right out of the beautiful shenandoah valley!
yep, it's WHSV TV3 Daybreak!!!!!

This weekend was the VAB 74th Summer Convention
(Virginia Association of Broadcasters)
I spent the weekend at Virginia Beach
(i will blog about the Hilton later.. you'll want to read it!)

My News Director, Ed Reams, and I were there for the "BEST MORNING SHOW" category...
Many of the beautiful women in our Sales Department were there for the convention.

WHSV TV3 Daybreak was (for the very first time) nominated for Virginia's "BEST MORNING SHOW"
as you can imagine, Ed and I were nervous during the Awards Dinner

After the delicious Filet Mignon & Crabcakes
it was time for the awards ceremony to begin!

I was so nervous...
I needed a little break w/ Erin & Anissa
what a gorgeous day!

As we were enjoying the view,
Ed & Lisa texted me...
they were starting!

I was happy to learn...
my old news radio station WRVA (Richmond)
won several awards!
as our sister station WCAV!

After.. what seemed like 10 years...
they finally got to the BEST MORNING SHOW category for 2010
(it was called second to last.. so you can imagine how nerve-wrecking it was!)

WHSV (us!!!!) v. WBBT (Richmond)

The winner is...
WHSV TV3 Daybreak!!!!!!!!!

It was a surreal experience!

You should've heard our table!!!!!!
So many hugs & cheers from all of our beautiful sales associates

Ed & I were extremely proud of our station and morning show!

WHSV TV3 Daybreak recognized as Virginia's BEST MORNING SHOW!!!!!!!!
Let the twittering begin!!!!
(oh, and it did!!!!)

they didn't allot me 10 minutes for my thank you speech
so here it goes

special thanks to
General Manager, Tracey Jones
News Director, Ed Reams
Asst News Director, Kay Norred
My Daybreak Director, Boots & our Production Staff
My 2010 co-anchor, Keith Jones
My 2010 NTM anchor, Ed Drantch
My 2010 Meteorologist, Mallory Brooke
My 2010 Daybreak reporter, Sarah Sager
all of my co-workers & sales team!!
thank you for the support & believing in me!!!!!!
(now i really want a sat truck)
note to advertisers...
I'm told Daybreak has been sold out for weeks...
even before this award!
now, you can only imagine.. that will happen now...
book your commercials friends~! =)

last but not least...
all of our viewers who wake up with us every morning!
when they found out we won... many of them wrote-
"we knew Daybreak is the best! now, Virginia knows!"
it's that type of support & loyally
that has made Daybreak #1!!!!!
our viewers wake up with us
chat with us.. and keep us going!

oh... another last but not least
I must thank GOD =) of course!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WAHOOOOWA Orange & Blue!

in the UVA on WHSV Daybreak this morning!
we're wearing Orange & Blue to support two key issues today!!!!

VA Gov. Bob McDonnell has announced Orange & Blue Days
on the days the UVA Baseball Team plays in the College World Series!
He's encouraging all VA Businesses to Participate in Showing Support for UVA...
while helping Virginians affected by the Deadly April Tornadoes & Severe Storms

to donate...
click here

here on Daybreak
we are in full support!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BEHIND THE SCENES... but "it's so hard... to say goodbye... to yesterday~!"

a bittersweet day at WHSV

feng shui time

we're saying goodbye to the old
and hello to the new

it's like the Boys II Men song...
"it's so hard~~~ to say goodbye~~~~ to yesterday--ayyy-hayyyy"

now that our state-of-the-art studio is automated and brand new
we are "cleaning house" and renovating our newsroom
 which i always thought was nice, except the disgusting old carpet
(the carpet many Pets of the Weeks have enjoyed, if you get my gist)

so we're throwing it all away

goodbye old cameras, operated by production assistants
(they look like star wars characters)

apparently, no one else is sad, except me

goodbye old.. what are you?

as we clean and make space
for new monitors
new carpet
new desk
new... newsroom

something my news director has been planning for months
as he throws everything away
from old television sets.. to maps.. to
things we can't figure out

to make our newsroom as state-of-the-art
as our new studio
whsv, HD and automated

2012 Presidential Race ~ Campaign Season in Full Swing

Do you see a President Here?
Are the Republicans slated to take 2012?

courtesy: AP

boy do I love Campaign Season!

Friday, June 10, 2011

my WHSV bar~ mojito at work...

if you could have a MOJITO at work
wouldnt you?

that's exactly what im doing
it's thursday night (friday morning 2am)

im getting drunk texts from my co-workers
why WOULDNT i need a cocktail?

so that's what im doing
im having my OWN MOJITO in the newsroom

but those who know me well
would ask, "what's the catch?"

it's not a mojito in a glass
it's a mojito in a packet!
it comes in a little teeny stick

yes, world, it exists



it's winng!

(but there's still nothing like a glass of strawberry mojitos from shockoe slip in Richmond)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

there's an app for that...

you know what they say
there's an APP for that
and of course, there is
when it comes to my most recent obsession

the Casey Anthony Trial

best part?
it's on 99 cents
but if i were you...
i'd save the dollar
and follow me on twitter instead


i'm pretty good w/the Casey Anthony Trial updates!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the most magical place... in luray

a few of my family members came to visit me from korea

on their list of travel sites?

New York City, Canada, Niagra Falls, Atlantic City, Washington D.C.

because of the caverns of course!!!!

luray caverns is the disney world of the valley
it's the most magical place around town!
the natural beauty is almost frightening
my family- no doubt in awe

i have to admit
im very happy with recent changes at luray caverns
i like the self-guided audio tours
instead of the group tours
we used to be forced to take
you can roam the mysterious underground all by yourself!

a must-see if you are ever visiting us,
here in the valley!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

BEHIND THE SCENE~ ciao standard def!

 after months of construction, training & extra hours at work...
we say goodbye to standard definition
hello to HD (high definition)

what does that mean?
that means you will be able to see every single blemish
but thanks to ashleigh...
our HD makeup consultant...
hopefully the transition will not be too painful on the eyes =)

actually, the quality of the video and audio will improve dramatically
including our very new bumps/stings & opens!
(this just means, our quality of graphics will improve greatly!)

it's bittersweet
i will miss talking to our camera operators...
they will be replaced by very expensive moving cameras
instead... our camera operators will run them from master control

i do welcome the change...

but i will be the old ways...

goodbye standard!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

thank you, OJ Simpson

i am fascinated with the U.S. Justice System

the past few weeks...
i've been glued to the news, insession & research
on the Casey Anthony Murder Trial
(im sure my twitter followers have noticed)

it all started with OJ Simpson
i was hooked
i admired greta van susteren & marcia clark

i made sure my mom tape recorded every single day of the trial
during the maryland snowstorm, all i did was watch the trial live

i thank the OJ Simpson Trial for my love for news and the legal system
and i believe that's why i'm here today
as a news journalist
 sleeping 2 hrs a night
because of my obsession for these court cases

and today
i await Day 2 of the Casey Anthony Jury Trial
after an amazing & explosive Day 1, full of shocking accusations
unbelievable strategies by the Defense
and an emotional opening from the Prosecution

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the Valley's WHSV, best in Virginia?

WHSV TV3 Daybreak
is up for the "BEST MORNING SHOW" of 2010
 in the Commonwealth of Virginia!

we are either the winner or runner-up.
i'm very happy that our station in the Valley
is being recognized throughout the entire state!

but what makes Daybreak so special?
the support, obviously!

it's really the Valley, giving us SO MUCH SUPPORT and LOVE
the Valley who always turns us on- to keep you safe & informed

our viewers give us the fuel
to make Daybreak the best

thank you so much for watching!!!!!!!

special thanks to... 
our General Manager, News Director & Asst News Director
Daybreak Director, Production Staff & News Staff!

Go Team!

2010 Daybreak News Team-

2011 Daybreak  News Team-

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wonder if we'll match today

you just get the memo

good morning winchester's elyse