Yuna's Tabs

Friday, January 13, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES - Mark Bruce, who does that?!


that's what I asked WHIO News Center Seven's Anchor/Reporter, Mark Bruce.

Our lovely 11pm anchor, Letitia Perry, had a brand new Girls Scout Cookie box sitting on her desk.

Mark decides, "hmmm... I want some."

so he just opens up the box and starts eating a cookie....

so I ask you...

Do you do this? Do you ever open something new that belongs to your coworker?

Do you open up his/her box of cookies and start chowing down???

To Mark's credit, he did it right in front of Letitia... He wasn't hiding anything.
He's also incredibly HONEST...
but he still opened up her new box of cookies without knowing if she was saving them for later!

mark's response -
letitia already opened the "cardboard" box portion...


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