Yuna's Tabs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dear Dayton Daily News, thank you!

Im recovering from the Stomach Flu (it was NOT fun)
so I did not yet have the time to say THANKS
to the Dayton Daily News for writing an article about my "style"

before I could even get my hands on the Sunday paper
my email and facebook were flooded with messages!
they loved the article "Fashion Runs in the Family" by Amelia Robinson.
I thought Amelia, Ty, Pat & everyone involved at the Dayton Daily News produced a great article!
Let me tell you, Amelia & Ty were making lemonades with teeny unripe lemons!
I was very nervous during the interview & I didnt know how to pose!
I don't find my self very interesting, so it was nice to see an article that actually made me sound interesting!

At any rate, I just wanted to thank everyone at DDN for the article!
it was fun & i loved it!
quite an honor to make the cover of the Life Section, too!

here's the link!

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