Yuna's Tabs

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES- firefighters

Just a random special thanks today to all of our firefighters, especially to our crews in the Miami Valley!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

GOP 2012 Presidential Race

Irony: Former NYC Mayor & Presidential Contender, Rudy Guiliani, endorses Governor Mitt Romney for President today. Same day I found this old photo taken four years ago w Mayor Guiliani and Former Virginia Attorney General & Gubernatorial Candidate, Jerry Kilgore.

Monday, April 23, 2012

GOP VP Candidate? Portman?

GOP 2012 Presidential Race

U.S. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio endorsed Republican Presidential Candidate, Governor Mitt Romney, early on.
He has been rumored to be a potential VP Candidate.

We interviewed Senator Portman during his visit a few weeks ago to Beavercreek.
When we asked him about the possibility of being Romney's VP pick, he didn't necessarily DISMISS it, like U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.  When I talked to Rubio (who is campaigning with Romney in PA today).. the freshman senator clearly dismissed the idea.
I even asked him, "What if Romney calls you says I NEED you to be my VP?"
Senator Rubio said he had a few things to finish up first in the U.S. Senate.

Lets not leave out Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell...

My husband who seems to predict these things- has his own opinions...
he predicted Sarah Palin for John McCain last Election Year...
but I'll wait for him to reveal who he believes will be the VP Pick =)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES - Team Coverage of Massive Fire

Massive Fire destroys a business' Four Buildings.
Flames Shoot up 200 Feet, Smoke causes school to dismiss early, homes to evacuate.
News Center 7 WHIO TV & Dayton Daily News had team coverage of the devastating fire...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cox Media Business Reporters- "Better Together!"

Okay, Im ready to put my new tools to use!!!

I took a "Better Together" road trip Friday with one of our business reporters for the Dayton Daily News.

Mark Fisher, the Food & Wine expert, and I drove down to Lexington KY for a

(i mostly asked Mark about his food expertise lol)

I found the business journalism seminar extremely educational, especially being new to investigative business reporting!  I especially learned a LOT about business reporting through a professor from UNC (no, he did not wear Carolina Blue- rather UK Blue) who taught us several secret websites for reporting =)

the Broadway sign is a special shoutout for Mark's wife =)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking @ the Victoria Theater

Princess Leia is in Dayton and Carrie Fisher says The Dayton Mayor has declared this month, "Carrie Fisher Month" in Dayton, just sayin'.

My husband and I has a fantastic time at the beautiful historic Victoria Theater watching "Carrie Fisher's 'Wishful drinking'" Saturday. She is very entertaining & quick witted. She also put many thing into perspective (her perspective) but well done nonetheless!

I highly recommend seeing her in person! I truly love how honest (blunt) she is and enjoyed the show!

Then my husband & I went to dinner with some friends at one of our favorite restaurant, Mama Disalvos!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Popcorn w School Spirit, Please

I LOVE Popcorn.

When it comes to popcorn, Im Bubba Gump.
I like kettle corn, movie popcorn, fresh popcorn, popcorn out of the microwave, popcorn out of the pot, jiffy pop popcorn, caramel corn, white cheddar popcorn, "whole grain" cheddar cheese popcorn from UDF, etc...

so you can imagine my excitement when I saw this.
POPCORN with UVA School Spirit!
they call it "Cavalier Corn"


The only reason I just took a photo of it, instead of buying it..
that's because of the price. I just couldn't justify paying $7 for it.

(it didnt even taste good - i tried a sample)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part XV- Guests (Virginians)

Yuna Lee & Michael Doc Thompson
Amazing Guests; Favorite Virginians

Michael and I had the most wonderful time meeting great Virginians during our stay in Virginia
(yes, Virginia, I will be back!)

and you know what they say!
Virginia is for "wine" Lovers!

Here are a few of our favorite Virginians enjoying Virginia Wine & our Wedding Celebration =)

Ibbie Hedrick (pictured w Jeb) & I went to St. Catherine's School together in Richmond...
that's when I decided to adopt Richmond as my hometown =)
We met again while I worked in VA (she works for Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling.. I worked at WHSV)
what a sweet reuinion it was in Staunton!
Also pictured above, Deb Neirenberg (oh, Debbie! sp!) who I met at St. Catherine's
Her daughter, Leah. and I were in a same quartet together =)
Then we met again at bebe in Richmond! ironic the way life works out!
Most of our guests in this photo, Michael & I met during our relationship =)
Thank you for joining us Parke & Brenda West, Governor Jim Gilmore & First Lady Roxane Gilmore,
Del. Dickie Bell & Mrs. Anne Bell, Jamie Radtke & husband, John.
(already mentioned in radio blog- Scott Lee & wife, Jennifer!)
Also to note- wonderful Aunt Ginny & Uncle David & one of my bridesmaid's dad, George Tucker are pictured with Kelly Griese's mom, Susan & Governor & Mrs. Gilmore.
Del. Todd Gilbert & Congressman Robert Hurt- thanks for stopping by!

Standing Desk in the Newsroom?

The Huffington Post tweeted a photo of their newsroom's first standing desk.
We have one, too at Cox Media Group!
Patty Marcano (pictured below) works for WHIO TV, WHIO Radio & Dayton Daily News
and she has a half standing half sitting desk!

Im thinking, I need one, too! With a treadmill!!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Will you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor!

I have the most wonderful neighbors anyone could ask for! Take a look at me neighbor and his mini-me!!!!!! Its just too sweet!!!!! Pax is learning to golf today. LOL

Keith & Carole live right next door to us. I was on my way to fill up the airs on my tires (trying to be a big girl), when I saw my neighbor outside with his mini-me, Pax! He asked me where I was headed and when he told me, he said he would check my tires! His wife, Carole, came out and we chatted for a while. Our neighborhood is like a picture perfect fairy tale neighborhood. You just couldn't ask for a better community! :)

Thanks for the chat, Carole! Thanks for making sure my tires are in great shape, Keith! Pax, hope we see you in Augusta! :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part XIV- Guests (Television)

Yuna Lee & Michael Doc Thompson
Amazing Guests; Television

As some of you know, I started my television in West Palm Beach

The Former Morning Show Producer at WPBF, Kelly, Griese, is still one of my very good friends and she came to my wedding with her beautiful mother!  It's funny met again in Virginia, when she now works in Indianapolis (which is only 3 hrs from where I am not in Dayton, OH!)
(just realized she is not pictured here.. okay- will be in the next blog!)

Also in attendance to share our special day- my Friends from WHSV, ABC Affiliate in Harrisonburg, VA

WHSV's General Manager, a woman who is a true inspiration & great motivator, Tracey Jones was also one of my readers (because I adore her & her southern accent)

My WHSV Family, Daybreak Crew, came to celebrate with us!

Ed Drantch, former New This Morning & Noon Anchor now is  covering more breaking news as a reporter in Buffalo!  He flew down, along with former Morning Meteorologist, Mallory Brooke who now works covering more severe weather in Portland, Maine!  Morning Reporter, Amanda Crawford now moved to Omaha Nebraska to be closer to home!  Morning Meterologist Josh Knight (& beautiful girlfriend), Morning Anchor, Tom Dempsey & Meterologist Aubrey Urbanowicz also came! and thanks to former Chief Photographer Justin Unger (who now makes amazing commercials) was our videographer!

It was so nice to see everyone, again!!!!!

My best friend, Mellie, always says it's funny watching us TV people, because we all have so much to say and are true characters. LOL

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part XIII - Guests (Radio)

Yuna Lee & Michael Doc Thompson
Our Amazing Guests!

Since Michael and I first met at WRVA & WRVQ
(where I anchored news on the weekends and he was moving in to his new office for his talk show position)
I wanted to start off with our guests- many who we both met through WRVA in one day or other.

Travis Dylan (pictured above with his wife, Kristen) was the first person to train me in the business.
He was one of the FIRST to believe in me...
He is now the Operations Manager for Clear Channel Norfolk.
Kristen introduced me to my Susie from Flirt, who styled my hair (and bridesmaids & family)!
Funny how things turn out!

WRVA News Director, Deanna Malone, gave me my FIRST JOB in News!
I still wonder if it was easier for her to just give me a job- so I would stop pestering her with my tapes EVERY WEEK. Deanna, look where I am today! I still not done!

Bob Somers (John Valentine) & Shotgun John (John Station) both showed me the ropes, especially Shotgun who showed me the "fade and go" button- which probably saved my job numerous times.  They both came with their beautiful wives! Tori Valentine & her boyfriend also came!

WRVA News Anchors & Reporters, Jay Hart, Gary Hess, Matt Demlein (& wife) all came to celebrate!
I have to say, I can't seem to find any photos of Andreas Doernen!!!
He was a member of the paparazzi apparently and was not included in any of my photos,
except the one with the entire group! Andy!
I just hope he had plenty of cake =)
(he took many of the amazing photos below!)

Gwen Thomas (& husband) and Amy Kusmin (& husband) were two of our first coworkers to find out about Michael and I dating- it was during my confirmation- when they saw at church!
the very same church we got married!!!!!
Gwen & Amy kept our "secret" and supported our relationship the ENTIRE way!

Michael Clifford (& wife) was one of the first people to know, as well =)
I always appreciated him giving my first chance on Jimmy Barrett's morning show!
Jimmy & Joe (&wife) truly dealt with a "green newbie" but were so supportive!!!

Randall Bloomquist (& wife) flew from Atlanta to join us!
If it weren't for Randall, Michael would never have gotten the job at WRVA!
We would've never met!!! Randall is a huge champion of my husband =)

I knew Alan Fisher from when I first started and eventually met his wife, Stacie.
Who knew we'd be hanging out at the range and shooting together!

Angie Devoe, Kim Hutcheson, Rhonda Reeser, Terri Kass, Denny O'Shea, Percell Brown, Lauren Dilisio, Melissa Noel & Laura Burch and their dates were also amazing! They are closer to my husband, but it's ALWAYS good to see them =)

Scott Lee (& wife) was one of our readers.
He is one of my husband's biggest fans and vice versa!
I also love, "Good Night Doc Thompson, wherever you are" and attempt at Korean =)

Sherry Rowland (& friend) drove from Cincinnati to join us!
Short lived at WLW, but friendships last forvever =)

Last but not last, I mentioned Jimmy.. but Jimmy Barrett & wife, Elisabeth, the "Scilian Princess" have become more than friends to us.  Thank you so much for everything along the way!
Bonefish, anyone?

Yuna & Michael WEDDING Part XII - the Dancing Guests!

Yuna Lee & Michael Thompson
oh, the Dancing Guests; Getting DOWN literally.

enough said... photo says it all

My Lemon Tree in Cincinnati!!!

When we bought our first house in the Cincinnati area, my mother in law bought us a baby lemon tree because I've always wanted to be like Cher in Clueless. Look!!!! LEMONS!!!!!

I asked Monnin's Fruit Farm if this was normal, they said lemons start off Green so I THINK we're in good shape!!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Three Ohio Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan - Connecting through Facebook

3 Ohio National Guard Soldiers killed in a suicide attack in Afghanistan. 
Military officials say, they are members of the 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
My heartfelt prayers go out to their families, I can't begin to imagine the sorrow...

Through social media, we are able to keep in touch with our soldiers who are grieving right now.

One of my Facebook Friends, Karl Mason, contacted me today.
He is a Springfield soldier, member of the unit that lost three brave guardsmen.
In his message, he expressed his sorrow and told me they keep in touch with Local News, "watching" WHIO TV via Facebook.

Through him, I was introduced to another soldier in his unit... who wrote these beautiful heartbreaking words, I just wanted to share with all my friends back here in the states.

Jason Geiger from Attica, OH

April 4th 2012
I stand here tonight and watch the sun set on a day that started so well but ended so tragically. I reflect on the 3 men we lost. I pray that the Lord is with the grieving loved ones at home, may H...e grant them comfort to ease the pain. I pray that the Lord be with the men left here to continue the fight despite the pain that we are also feeling for our fallen. We will continue the fight, “We’ll do it!” as our saying goes. My Fallen Brothers, although you have joined the ranks of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice before you, you shall not be forgotten. I look forward to the day when I also join the same ranks, so that I may tell you how great of an Honor it was to have served beside you.

thank you for those words, Jason.
To all our brave men and women who sacrifice and fight for our Freedom everyday,



Today is Opening Day, one of the greatest days in Cincinnati (and Im assuming Dayton- my first time here)

I am working today and living vicariously through my opening day & night experience last year.

My husband was working Opening Day and I got to hang out with him for a while and watch a part of the parade!  It was fairly a chilly day & night- I remember wearing a bubble jacket!
(WLW guys Tracy (former Reds Player) & Sloanie

I remember how proud my husband was- that his show was displayed at the stadium on Opening Night.
I was just happy I got to have Montgomery Inn Fries!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BEHIND THE SCENES - TV Radio & Newspaper, "Better Together"


that's what we say at Cox Media Group in Dayton

our enormous "content" floor consists of Television, Radio, Newspaper & Digital journalists

In an effort to always innovate, WHIO TV has been working very closely with radio, newspapers, ditigal and our new Breaking News Team.

today, my photographer Dee & newspaper photographer, Chris Stewart, tried something new...

We did an ENTIRE television package using a newspaper camera!
so... how did it turn out?
don't know.. we'll have to see today on the newscast. LOL

Just random- this is me thinking... caputured on camera. yikes.

okay.. here's the video...
im cut off a bit, but for an experiment,
i think it turned out well!